Monday, January 5, 2009

Going Bowling (for real)

Here's my last post (for today) and then I'm caught up (I think)...

The girls had some free bowling certificates to use up before 12/31. They love bowling on their cousins' Wii, so we thought they'd love to go bowling for real. They ended up having a great time. Kara won a game and Brooke won a game (the best we could hope for since either one would have had a fit if they did not win at least once).

The girls both used 6 pound balls - and they both struggled with that. I'm glad I have such strong girls :)


Kristie K. said...

I love it!!!
I have been thinking about taking garren, with bumper of course. Where did you guys go?

Unknown said...

Looks like you've had a fun few weeks! It was so fun to catch up on all the blogs. Keep 'em coming!

Happy New Year!!

J said...

Looks like you've been having fun! Glad all is well with your family.