Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not Much of Anything

I wish I had fun pictures of our long weekend in Utah to post, but I couldn't find the charger for our camera battery, thus no pictures. We had a nice trip and got some much needed rest. Jeff brought home an ear infection and Brooke brought home a stomach ache. We had a good time visiting with Grandpa & Grandma Stevens as well as all of the cousins. All the kids are getting so old... Kara & Brooke wish they lived closer to their cousins. Maybe someday they will live close to some cousins. The girls are eagerly waiting for Christmas now. Every toy commercial they see has something that they want on it. The sale ads are full of things they want. They are easy to shop for since they want everything. I'll be glad when the presents part is over and we can just enjoy the holiday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween, Pumpkins, Knitting

The last week has been filled with Halloween, Pumpkins, & Knitting. This was the first year Kara has carved a pumpkin from a pattern (and she did hers without help). Brooke drew her puppy pattern on and then cut it out (with minimal assistance). Jeff's again was very intricate this year. He complained all while he was carving that it would not turn out. When it was done and lit up he decided that it did work out (which he does every year as well). This year I decided not to be lazy and I actually carved a pumpkin from a pattern too. Mine is the witch, Jeff's is the raccoon popping out of the jack-o-lantern, Kara's is the bat on top of the jack-o-lantern, and Brooke's is the puppy. Kara also won a pumpkin from school that her teacher carved. It's a good thing that we waited until two days before Halloween to actually carve the pumpkins because they rotted and grew mold the day after Halloween. If we had carved them as early as the girls wanted to, they would have been a squishy mess by the time Halloween came.

The girls wore the same costumes for Halloween as they did to Trunk-or-Treat. Grandma Lopez took pictures of them at school for us.

I have spent a lot of my down-time (I have actually had a little, can you believe it?) knitting for various babies on the way (none of which are mine...). I made two sweaters for Jennifer's new daughter coming in 4 weeks, several hats for Ronnie & KaLee's son coming in 4 weeks, a sweater for Brooke's teacher's baby coming in just under 4 weeks, and a sweater for a lady at church (I'm not sure when she's due, but if the current trend continues probably in 4 weeks). The picture is of the sweater I made for Brooke's teacher. The sweater I made for the lady at church is the same, only made with in lighter blue. The two sweaters for Jen were white (newborn size) and Barbie pink (3-6 mos size depending on how big she is of course) - both of these sweaters were a lot girlier with a tie instead of buttons and lacy stitches instead of plain knitting. Ronnie & KaLee will have to wait to see what kinds of hats they get when I actually get the package in the mail to them (soon, I promise). Once they get it, I will post pictures of the hats.