Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brooke's photography

In the state of Utah there is a reflections contest every year in the school system. This year's theme was "Diversity Means..." and the kids all were asked to create something to go along with the theme. They could enter anything in one of several artistic categories: Music (writing/performing a song), Art (drawing/painting), Photography, Composition (short story, poem, essay), etc.

Brooke chose photography. I, like a proud mommy, thought she was super creative and deserved to win! Brooke chose to finish the theme by saying "Diversity means it's ok to be different". She carefully arranged m&m's on this plate and took several pictures.

This one was her favorite:

Once the picture was loaded into the computer, she had me help her crop out the plate and zoom in. She started clicking around in the software and saw that she could change the color and keep just a portion in the original color. She got so excited. It was fun to watch her work on this!

Here is a her final photograph: (pretty good, right?)

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