Friday, February 29, 2008

Utah bound, Blond moment

We're excited to take a break from work at the end of next week to go to Utah for a few days.

Until then, enjoy this little tidbit from a very blond new associate at my work:

My manager was conducting a meeting in which he mentioned that this new associate would need a little help on something since she was still green. Her reply was "Oh, that's true - I love the environment."

I hope nobody from work ever reads this...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

pics dec 07-jan08

Not a whole lot to report... here are some pictures from the past couple of months I finally loaded from the camera.

Dentist January 2008

Girls at Grandpa's Work Christmas Party

Las Vegas Bowl 2007

Beach in January

Gymnastics Winter 2007 Show

Kara on Beam

Kara on trampoline

Kara & Jeff

Brooke on beam

Brooke with Aunt Ali & Uncle Alex

Monday, February 11, 2008


I must be a complete slacker. I have been putting off posting anything until I pull the pictures off of the camera (which would require all of 5 minutes to get the camera, plug it into the computer, and wait for the pictures to transfer)... oh well.

We went to the beach twice in January and Disneyland twice in January (I'm sorry to those in Utah or Wyoming who are still suffering with winter - I vaguely remember scraping the car windshield and hoping I didn't have to dig the car out of it's parking spot to go to the store - I do not envy you). Maybe we are just trying to get all of the Southern California in that we can just in case we do have a change of scenery in the next couple of months (everything with that is still up in the air... at least he's in the final stages of the process so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed). If you don't know what I mean by this, please call me - we are WAY out of touch.

Happy Valentine's Day to Brooke this year... her mean mommy scheduled her to get her teeth filled that day (she needs at least four fillings; I blame this on her independence she gets from her mother since she won't let us help her brush, and the teeth with the deep pits and grooves in them from her father). The girls picked out their valentines on Friday at the store. Kara got Barbie 'has' the Island Princess with tattoos (I thought she'd pick Spongebob, this is another reason why my choices are "lame"). Brooke got puppies & kitties with 3-d changing stickers. Both girls spent all Friday afternoon signing and addressing their valentines. I'm glad we won't be spending the night before V-day doing this... thank goodness they wouldn't let me put off addressing those otherwise it would have been a late night after gymnastics on Wednesday.

Brooke was very quiet tonight - she spent a few hours in her room playing (we thought she was sleeping). Upon going up to bed, we went to check in on her and found her in three pairs of pants and four shirts. I haven't seen her do this before and I hope she doesn't do it again. It was cute at first until I noticed that she sat in wet grass in the pants (again, we are out of touch if you do not know what Brooke's codename 'wet grass' is). Not so cute after that.

If you're wondering what I'm doing posting so late, I couldn't sleep. I probably am just excited to sleep in tomorrow and not have to get either child ready for school. I got to play games on the computer tonight after everyone else went to sleep. I'm going to be really tired tomorrow, but I'm having fun now and I'm not at all tired.

We filed our taxes on January 31st... at least I'm not a slacker in that sense. I want our refund - I think that was a BIG motivation. If I knew I would get money for posting, I probably wouldn't procrastinate this either. If you haven't done your taxes yet, you either know that you'll owe money or you are a bigger slacker than I am.

Now, I'm going to play more games before bed...