Monday, February 27, 2012


Finding ants in my pantry on a Sunday morning was not ideal. Not at all. Especially not red ants that bit me as I tried to clean them up! I guess this forced me to clean out the pantry and use my birthday/Christmas present from my mom (thanks, Mom!) which were all the lovely containers.

Here are a few pictures of the mess we had to work around:

Here is a picture of the empty pantry... sprayed, cleaned, and ready to be refilled:

And here it is, organized, put away, and best of all: ant free! :)

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wax Museum

The 4th grade at the elementary school put on a "Wax Museum" this week. As part of a biography book report, the kids all collected facts about an American Hero - someone in American history that changed the world in some way. Brooke chose Helen Keller. She worked really hard to memorize all kinds of facts... Below is a picture of Brooke at the "museum" and her exhibit board.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Taxes are Done!

And filed! And we are anxiously awaiting our refund!