Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Visit

I think I've mentioned this before, but living halfway between Salt Lake and Orange County has made our house a place for family to stop by, visit, and crash (either on their way through or as a destination). A couple of weeks ago, my brother and his family were on their way through to go visit the grandparents in California and we were able to visit with them for a couple of days (and meet our newest cousin/niece):

Brooke is very good with her younger cousins, and Easton is no exception. Here they are playing with Silly Putty:

Kara enjoyed holding Kendree. Kendree was so calm and happy the whole visit. It was wonderful! Kara didn't know that babies could go so long without crying!

Brooke and Easton watching some tv... this was either Spongebob or Hannah Montana or some similar show:

Brooke got to hold Kendree too:

Amber didn't want to be left out... she loves babies! Poor KaLee had to keep fending off her affection:

All the attention wore Kendree and Grandma right out:
We had a fun weekend and hope they'll come back soon! :)
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