Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes for my birthday. It was really fun! I'm glad that my last birthday ever was so nice... I shall now eternally remain 29!

Where else than in Southern California could we buy a Christmas tree in the morning and then spend the afternoon at the beach collecting seashells? We found some great shells - we always do in the winter months since the beaches are MUCH less crowded. This trip we also found a sand-dollar (which the girls were very amused with). It wasn't the nice white pretty kind either. It still has the grey fuzz all over... I'm hoping after a couple of weeks outside in the backyard that the fuzz goes away and leaves just the sand-dollar. Is it still alive? Am I murdering a sand-dollar creature? Maybe it's still alive after spending this week in the cold rain...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We didn't send you a Christmas card because your last one came back, but we did make a Christmas website that we want to share with you.

Publicly I only post my website, so contact me there and I'll send you a link to the Christmas site!

My daughter really loves your Christmas card; she has decided that she could make a card like that. I don't scrapbook so she is having fun figuring it out!