Monday, January 3, 2011

It snowed in St George!

And we got more this year than last year! What a great way to end Winter Break for the girls! Today was their last day off before returning to school tomorrow... and they loved starting their day playing in the snow. The girls were able to get in a snowball fight and a pretty decent sized snowman (especially compared to last year's model).

Amber wasn't quite sure what to do with all that white, cold stuff in her backyard, so she did what any puppy from California would do... she ran laps through it, ate it, and then came in and shook it off and kept a watchful eye on it from inside the house.

Here are some pictures....

Snowball fight!:

Happy kids!:

Crazy dog exploring this new stuff in her yard:

Running laps through the cold:

More snowball fighting:

Snowman building:

Happy kids with the finished product:

The finished snowman:

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