Monday, August 15, 2011

Kara's first day of 6th grade!

Today was the first day of 6th grade for Kara! She is getting so old and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it! She started intermediate school and has to switch classes for each class. Needless to say, she's been very nervous about this day for the past week or so.

Here are some pictures from the morning:

Pretty girl!

Walking to the bus stop

Kara was panicking yesterday about the bus making her late. After about a half hour I finally convinced her that the bus would never make her late. She wanted us to watch her wait for the bus from our driveway, so I snapped this picture of her waiting. After the bus was over 10 minutes late, we finally decided to drive her. Good thing too, because as we were pulling into the school we saw her bus leaving! As you probably imagined I made some calls to the transportation department at the district and to the school letting them know that the bus skipped this stop this morning! Hopefully that never happens again!!!!

Kara running to get to school after we dropped her off in the "drop off zone".

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